You sounded the “wake up” call
for our people. Mass demonstrations
removed generations of layered
discrimination and segregation.
Treasures of your wisdom
echoed from the pulpit;
to the streets of America,
the jails of Birmingham,
and circled the world.
Earmarked as an extremist by some,
You continued on the right path
with an army of committed
lieutenants and foot soldiers
through the roadblocks of assaults
and detours of blood.
You took us to the mountaintop
mandating non-violence and
impregnated our souls with hope.
We must continue this journey
until justice cascades down
to the depths of the ocean
and joins the endless cosmos
emblazoned with faith and love.
A shared sky of diversity:
all races, faiths and cultures;
spiritual beings in human form united
to push back the clouds,
scatter the darkness and
illuminate the power of peace.
Gradualism is not an option,
Now is the time!
for our people. Mass demonstrations
removed generations of layered
discrimination and segregation.
Treasures of your wisdom
echoed from the pulpit;
to the streets of America,
the jails of Birmingham,
and circled the world.
Earmarked as an extremist by some,
You continued on the right path
with an army of committed
lieutenants and foot soldiers
through the roadblocks of assaults
and detours of blood.
You took us to the mountaintop
mandating non-violence and
impregnated our souls with hope.
We must continue this journey
until justice cascades down
to the depths of the ocean
and joins the endless cosmos
emblazoned with faith and love.
A shared sky of diversity:
all races, faiths and cultures;
spiritual beings in human form united
to push back the clouds,
scatter the darkness and
illuminate the power of peace.
Gradualism is not an option,
Now is the time!